CBT Program at WellOne

How does CBT work at WellOne

  1. Consists of weekly sessions
  2. It involves setting goals
  3. It is time limited
  4. It is a shortened type therapy
  5. Incorporates readings and homework assignments
  6. It is not like supportive therapy
  7. It is not a psychoanalyses of past experiences

CBT Rules

Being involved in a CBT program requires the individual to be an active part of the process. There are certain requirements and rules one must follow in order for the process to be effective.

CBT Rules

Our CBT program at WellOne is an individualized program tailored to your specific mental health concerns. It incroporates concepts of:

  1. Self Awareness and identification of problems through learning how to write thought records.

  2. Incorporates principles of Emotional Intelligence to help patients manage relationships with partners, friends, family and co-workers.

  3. Addresses "Personailty Types" and how they play into how patients manage anxieties.

  4. Mindfullness based techniques including meditation into the practice.

  5. Group based CBT Sessions where patients share their experiences with CBT.